From the Collaborative

Resource Guest Presentations and Further Follow up Resources

June 25, 2022


The following resources were provided by Paul.  He has also invited any of you who wish to follow up with him with any specific questions, please directly email him at: [email protected]


Resources (please see especially the two with **)

Young people’s climate anxiety revealed in landmark survey (“children worldwide worry about the future and feel let down by governments”)

‘File of shame’: UN chief slams lack of action on climate change (Antonio Guterres’ harsh words for climate laggards. More harsh words from Guterres here.)

10 years to transform the future of humanity — or destabilize the planet (** – must see! Johan Rockstrom (7 minutes, 37 seconds)

 IEA Net-Zero by 2050 (the International Energy Agency’s stunning report telling governments there can be no new fossil fuel projects if we’re to keep warming to 1.5 degrees)

RISE – From one island to another (** – this beautiful 6 minute, 36 second spoken word always brings tears to my eyes and motivates me to keep going. I try to have teacher-candidates respond to readings with non-prose responses sometimes – a poem, a sketch, a cartoon strip, or perhaps rewriting the lyrics to a popular song. Here’s a brief and powerful musical response to climate change (Ludovico Einaudi – “Elegy for the Arctic”), and Price Ea’s Dear Future Generations: Sorry is a student favourite. I typically ask my students to then write a “thank you” from the future, thanking people in the 2020s for getting serious about tackling climate change and listing some of the specific things they did.)

A Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair (another artistic piece, nine minutes looking back on what was needed to get us through the crises we’re currently facing. Part one is excellent too.)

Finally, two that you probably can’t use as a teacher due to the language, but you might appreciate for yourself!

Honest Government Ad – Net Zero by 2050 (feat. Greta Thunberg)

Exxon Lobbyist Caught on Camera Going Full Cartoon Villain (the important point that ‘Exxon knew’ is in a cleaner and short version here).

View Laura’s Presentation here

View the presentation from Maya Redlinger, Vibhuti Wadhwa and Ashley Kelsey here

View the presentation from Andy Nowak here

There was no formal presentation as part of our chat.

Ellen’s website which is dedicated to Hope, teaching through solutions, #OceanOptimism and so, so much more can be reached at:

June 26, 2022


View the presentation here.

View the presentation here.

View the presentation here.

View the presentation here.

June 27, 2022


View the presentation here.

June 28, 2022


June 29, 2022


View the presentation here.


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