Pat Morris Communities Matter Initiative

Learn. Connect. Flourish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to a few our our most frequently asked questions. If you don’t see your question covered, please write to Sue Roppel at [email protected].  As we answer questions, we will continue to update this page.

Eligibility Questions:

Q: Are branch libraries eligible to apply?

A:  An individual branch library may apply so long as it serves a defined population of 10,000 or less.

Q: Can I still apply if my library is not a Qualified Donee?

A:  Maybe. In some cases a library has a Board or Friends of the Library that serves as a registered charity. In other cases it may be that the library is structured as a service of the municipality which might make it eligible.  To discuss your particular eligibility circumstances, please contact Sue Roppel at [email protected]

Q: If a library typically uses a “Friends of the Library” organization to act as the coordinator for donations and provider of income tax receipts on behalf of the library, can we apply?

A:  Yes so long as the “Friends of the Library type organization” qualifies as a Qualified Donee under the Canada Income Tax Act and a letter is included with the application from it indicating it agrees to work with the Kimberley Foundation and the Library to conclude the grant should the Library be a successful recipient of an award.

Grant Application Questions:

Q: Can an application include multiple items (eg. both a program request and an acquisition request)?

A:  Yes. Please ensure to cover each aspect of the request in the documentation so that we can evaluate each of the requests independently  or as part of  an integrative whole (eg. kids books to complement a new kids reading program might have both an acquisitions and programming financial component).

Q: Can a grant include items such as computers, shelving, furniture, or space improvements?

A:  Yes so long as the item(s) serve(s) the overall goal of enhancing the library’s ability to effectively serve its community.

Q: Where do I place an item in the budget (egs. musical instrument acquisitions, space renovations) if there is no obvious line item for it?

A:  Place the full budget request amount in the line item “Any Other Expenditures” and then provide additional sub-detail of the request in section titled “Note 1”.  For example, perhaps you have a request for $6,000 for a new service in your library for musical instruments acquisitions. The total of $6,000 would be entered on line 44 in the budget form.  Then in lines 49-54 you might break it down into sub-categories such as (1) musical instrument purchase = $4,000; (2) sheet music = $1,000; (3) Signage & promotion = $500, (4) Catalogue development and lending policy staff time = $500.

Q: Can a Library submit multiple applications?

A:  Yes, but we would encourage you to prioritize your requests and consider submitting a single grant with your highest priority items. This will streamline the documentation process for you and help you avoid filling out multiple forms. As noted below, the Kimberley Foundation may choose to support only part of any grant application.

Funding Questions:

Q: Does the Kimberley Foundation make partial awards? (i.e. fund portions of a grant application if multiple requests are included in a single application or if it determines to grant a smaller budget than provided in the application?)

A:  Yes, the Kimberley Foundation may choose to support only a portion of any grant application.  In such cases the Foundation would discuss with the grantee the impact of this decision and whether the grantee wishes to receive the partial award.

Q: By when does a grant have to be spent?

A:  Typically we expect the full grant to be spent within one year of the award of the grant.

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