
We are sincerely grateful to Crofton House School for hosting the October 25th session of The Climate Collaborative for Educators. The program would not be possible without the generous support of the ISABC.

Infusing Climate Change into Student Learning and Action

Friday, October 25, 2024

Detailed Program Agenda

Join us for a workshop-style day where participants will learn, become inspired, road-test and help shape transformations in climate change education unfolding in BC schools.

9:30-10:15 Reframing for Hope (Opening Circle)

Where do you find hope in the climate change story?  Together we will build a hope board to support and drive our work forward.

10:15-11:15 - Collaborating for Impact: Climate Change at the Claremont Secondary Institute for Global Solutions

Amazing educators Mark Neufeld and Joanna Linger will share how they have worked together to make climate change a central component of the innovative Institute for Global Solutions at Claremont Secondary School.

11:5-11:30 Movement Break
11:30-12:30 Youth v. Canada: A Climate Change Mock Trial [Dr. Stepan Wood, UBC]

Dr. Stepan Wood, Professor, Canada Research Chair in Law, Society and Sustainability & Director of the Centre for Law and the Environment at UBC has designed an amazing new learning interactive for high school students which has been piloted at Magee Secondary School as part of the Kimberley Foundation’s new Mercury Rising initiative.

Young people around the world are going to court, claiming that their governments are violating their constitutional rights to life, health and equality by contributing to the climate crisis. His new learning interactive teaches students about youth climate change lawsuits in Canada and beyond through participation in a mock trial of a climate change case against the Government of Canada. Youth work in teams to play the parts of the youth plaintiff (the person suing the government), the plaintiff’s scientific expert, the plaintiff’s lawyer, the government’s scientific expert, the government’s lawyer, and the judge.

Dr. Wood will present this work and engage teachers to give feedback on ways of enriching, extending or furthering the approach and it pedagogical approach.

Read a short blog about the project.

12:30-1:15 Lunch, Networking
1:15-2:00 Sustainable Development Goals Project for Grade 7

Jasmine Hare from Crofton House School will share a hands-on approach to a climate focused project for Grade 7 students in connection to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2:00-2:45 Innovative Assessment Approaches for Grade 9 and 12 Climate Education

Tom Harding from West Point Gray Academy (WPGA) will share his learning journey in transforming the way he teaches and assesses climate change.

2:45-3:00 Movement Break
3:00-3:30 Sharing Your Implementation and Action Stories

We’ve featured a few vignettes to inspire our collective climate change education journeys. We know that many of you will have your own innovations, successes, and challenges. We will use this time to hear your stories of change and action.

3:30-4:00 Designing a Climate Change Community of Practice

Too often we find ourselves alone in our schools – a solo voice trying to transform climate change education. During this session we will brainstorm on what is needed to create a climate change community of practice? Is there a desire for some type of ongoing program to connect, support and inspire educators? Are there supports, resources that are needed that would make you feel less alone and less overwhelmed by the innovations and changes you wish to introduce in your classes/school?

4:00-4:05 Closing Comments
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